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And Bonnie makes a half a dozen....(personal post)

Updated: Jan 30, 2020

Lifestyle, Newborn
Portland Family Photographer

Happy NEW YEAR!! I can’t believe we are in 2020! Shouldn't we have flying cars or something by now? Oh man does time fly when you are having fun!

For us 2019 threw us a lot of twists and turns. But the biggest change came for us when we welcomed our beautiful 4th baby. Blue eyed baby Bonnie arrived with a whirlwind in May, making our family complete. And making us feel completely insane LOL! With Bonnie we realized our little family is now a BIG family of 6! Thats half a dozen people...And you definitely know when we show up! I wish I could say it was an easy transition adding a baby into our already busy family, but honestly it was a bit of a learning curve and adjustment for all of us. We also realized that we are now those parents that have babies and TEENAGERS! Well one teenager, but isn't that enough? Send help! Really though, teenagers and babies aren't that much different, growing all the time, tired, moody, messy and HUNGRY constantly. And yet the older kids have really stepped up with helping, even spoiling the baby for which I am super grateful.

But in all seriousness we absolutely adore our sweet girl and I can say that we have hit our stride. She is amazing and silly and beautiful. Loves meeting new people and thrives on the chaos we call life (Thankfully lol) She's loud and busy and laughs all the time. She fits right in with our bunch. We are so lucky.

With that being said my time has become even more important as the kids are all growing up so fast, I will continue to keep my booking limited. Which is really a win win, that way I can give my 100% with each session and still balance raising 4 kids. So if you are interested in a session DON’T wait! I look forward to working with you all this year!

Portland Family Photographer | Baby Bonnie | Battle Ground Wa | Newborn

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1 Comment

Jan 30, 2020

Oh Man! I love this little lady!

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